« Storm right ahead » and this is our course. The teal and grey palette gives a me- tallic look to everything around. Not simply the raw aluminium boat, but also the dramatic pillowy blue grey clouds regularly slashed by lightening bolts, the dark blue sea and bright foamy splashes as the hull slit through the waves. Despite this threatening, un-welcoming look, this scenery feels me with serenity. I can see the concerns on some faces, and I know it sounds like a lack of common sense, but even if I can’t explain why, I find it all very peaceful.
We reach our destination. The brief is done, and I am now fully equipped. The engine shut, there is nothing to compete with the sound of the rumbling thunder. After a few clumsy steps, I stand on the edge of the boat, quietly watching the rain rippling on the dark blue water. I rise my right hand to hold the regula- tor in the palm and the mask with two fingers, shift my weight on my left leg, look straight ahead, lift the right leg and take a giant step,. And there we go : my first big leap into the other realm.
I give the signal that everything is OK with my hand, look around to have a final spatial reference and, with my left hand I rise the deflator above my head, press it with my index finger to empty my buoyancy control device, the last piece of connection between me and the outer world, and I start to sink. The gravity, this force that we learnt to live with since day one, no longer have the same effect. For the first time, I neither go up or down, I can stay still, floating meters away from the surface and from the sea bed. In this medium, I can control the third dimension for the first time.
From there, starts a journey inside another kingdom, a sneak peek into a world governed by different rules. Breathing, this basic action we take for granted, unconsciously repeating it dozen of times every minutes, is now counted because of the limited air supply we can car- ry, analyzed because the pressure could make it poisonous, and visualized by the bubbles I blow away. Each breath is not only time I take out of my life bottle, but is also now a tool to navigate, a rudder able to affect my vertical movements, allowing me to flow above and bellow the natural obstacles.
Meadow of sea grass hosting life, beds of fish- es glistening as they swirl around, vibrant red starfish stuck on rocks, canyon just wide enough for us to go through, or a cavern the sunlight doesn’t reach full of shrimps only revealed by the beam of a torch light... These are just a few of the wonders this world can offer. I feel like home, the silence, the serenity, the slow steady motion, and the feeling of surrender and humility.
« Welcome to the community » I now process the pass to this other world, the underwater world. And with the blue planet being covered at 66% with water, I have plenty to explore. But with these new possibilities, come new responsibilities. I am an ambassador from all this life, making all I can to preserve and militate for the protection of those who let me in.
I now know why I was feeling so serene, I was already accepted into this world I dreamed of for so long. I take this as a privilege, and in return I’ll do more to protect it, this is our responsibility as divers.
Location : Hyères, France